Legal Specifications

Bluestone Property Lines Phase 1 + 2
Bluestone Phase 1+2.pdf
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Understanding Clean and Green
When a county implements a Clean and Green program, it places two values on each parcel of land that qualifies. These values are known as the Fair Market Value and the Use Value, better known as the Clean and Green Value. After these new values have been certified by the county, tax bills are calculated for each taxing district, using either the Fair Market Value assessment or the Use Value assessment, depending upon whether or not the property owner has enrolled his
property in the Clean and Green program.
Adobe Acrobat Document 135.2 KB
Pennsylvania Right to Farm Act ( 3 PA. STAT . §§ 951-957 ) (Current as of July 2009)
Be aware that this information may not be current and is subject to change as a result of court decisions or subsequent amendments. Account holders with LexisNexis, Westlaw or other electronic databases can access these statutes through those sources online. Please consult an attorney if you are in need of the most up-to-date statutory or legal information.
Adobe Acrobat Document 97.3 KB
  • Organic Transition Course - The Rodale Institute’s Organic Transition Course is a 15-hour online program designed to help you understand the National Organic Standards and use them as your framework for making the transition to organic production.

It’s perfect for farmers who are ready to make the complete transition to certified organic, and for those interested in simply integrating more sustainable methods into their current farming system. Just want to learn more about how certified organic farming works? The course can help there, too.

 Although designed to be used in conjunction with The Rodale Institute's Transitioning to Organic online course, this tool can also be used independently.