Overall thoughts about Intentional Community, pre EPIC 2012

Leheigh Valley
The places we visited on the tour were selected to accomplish two
goals. First, acquaint people, generally with two broad areas within the Lehigh
Valley and second to visit places that are examples of components of what an
intentional community might develop.
12_03_17_Intentional Community Gathering
Adobe Acrobat Document 126.9 KB
Manifesto 1.6
This is a document I contributed to regarding the Freedom Society. It is an attempt to flesh out more what this is about. We'll see if this is adopted in some form or not.
Contributors: Rob Sayre, Jamal Johnson, Gordon Anderson, Ph.D. and Lourdes Swarts, Richard Panzer, Ph.D.
12_12_14_Manifesto 1.6.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 126.3 KB
Preparation questionnaire
Preparation questionnaire for the first Intentional Community Meeting at Camp Innabah/PA on 12/31/2012
12_12_31_Preparation questionnaire.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 114.4 KB