Renewable Heating & Cooling

  • Heizwerk (german) - Blockheizkraftwerke (BHKW) sind dezentrale Erzeuger von elektrischer und thermischer Energie. Im Gegensatz zur herkömmlichen Energieversorgung erzielen BHKWs einen verbesserten Wirkungsgrad. Die verwendete Primärenergie wird zu 34 Prozent in elektrische und zu 53 Prozent in thermische Energie umgewandelt.
  • Marathon Engine Systems - The ecopower™ provides heat and electrical power in a cost effective and environmentally friendly manner. This innovative system utilizes advanced cogeneration technology, helping create the future of energy production on the residential and commercial scale. High overall efficiency and lower emissions compared to central power plant output are major benefits of microCHP.
  • microchap - Micro CHP (micro Combined Heat & Power) is the simultaneous production of heat and electricity in individual homes.  Effectively the micro CHP unit replaces the gas central heating boiler and provides heat and hot water as usual, but additionally provides the majority of the home's electricity needs. 
  • Blockheizkraftwerk (german) - Mikro BHKW haben in etwa die Größe einer Waschmaschine und können bis zu 40% des Strombedarfs eines durchschnittlichen 4-Personen-Haushaltes abdecken.
  • SEVA Energie - Thermal Power Station The degrees of utilisation relate to the heating value Hu and amount to (e.g., in the case of gas oil engines) a total of approx. 85-95% (out of this, electrically more than 30%, in parts more than 40%, and thermically more than 50%).
  • Dantherm - Our ElectraGen™ fuel cell power generation systems, fuelled by either direct hydrogen or methanol, provide backup power for both ‘short duration runtime’ and ‘extended duration runtime’ requirements. ElectraGen™ systems offer financial and environmental advantages in comparison to alternative lead acid batteries and diesel generators.
  • BES - due to our particular EnergyManagementSystems, a year-long solar heating and cooling is no more future vision. Depending on the size of your project and application range, you save up to 80 percent of your energy costs. We offer you the optimal Technological connection of Geo- and solar heat by solar collectors, underground storage tank, Heat pumps, refrigeration, thermoactive component systems, wall- and floor heating and climate control.